There is a bit of rust in the tank of the little LTD, so while doing some "research" on cleaning out rusty motorcycle tanks, I came across this article.
Ken's Electrolysis Setup.
I have heard and tried a few home remedies with mixed results. I figured, this approach makes sense to me, why not give it a shot. So while waiting for his carb parts, J.J. will be trying out
Ken's Electrolysis Setup. We'll see how it works.
Till Next Time...............
I used the same process on my CB350 tank, it turned out perfect! I had to change the anode almost daily. I did have a bit of flash rust but a few rinses of light 2-stroke gas fixed that.
Fun with science!
It looks like fun, kinda like a Mythbusters experiment. It's good to know going in that this method works. Thanks for the info Red.
Give us an update and tell us how it worked, gymi. That looks like a cool idea.
What are you gonna use to seal it with afterwords?
In the past we used an epoxy coating from Caswell but it didn't hold up that well.
On my tank that we used the mad scientist method, I didn't coat it at all. Just filled it with some light 2 stroke gas and that seemed to stop the flash rust from coming back. After that tank, just normal gas it was still nice and clean.
J.J is using the method that Red used. He hasn't got it started yet, but will let y'all know the results. He finally tracked down a set of slider boots from a supplier in the U.K. as soon as they arrive we can find out how the charging system is working and address that issue.
We haven't had a whole lot of success with the tank coatings either Red. Thanks again for the electrolysis info.
Hopefully the epoxy works better for you than it did for us. I think our issue was due to the thick layer we used.
It never leaked or flaked but it did bubble up all over the place and became somewhat pliable.
The electrolysis work pretty good Red. After getting as much rust out with as he could with the compressor, J.J. used the mad scientist method to clean the tank. He decided to follow Red's advice and forgo the caswell route. It seems to be doing well with the light tow stroke oil and gas. After we runs that tank trough, it should stay rust free as long as you keep gas in it.
After rebuilding the carbs, it is still misfiring down low and in the upper rpm range. There is a charging system problem and changing the stator should solve this problem. We'll see how it goes.
Congrats! Glad to hear it worked well for you. The Caswell coating is not a bad product, it just did work as well as we had hoped.
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