Monday, August 2, 2010



  1. Nice photos! Plenty to get excited about there. It just shows that mechanical objects can be exceedingly beautiful, provided you believe that form should follow function and not the other way round.

  2. Thanks Richard,

    I agree, I love the mechanical medium. I find beauty in most things mechanical, and when someone designs something that works as well as it looks, that's when the magic happens for me.

    My local Border's bookseller happens to carry Back Street Heroes, picked up the July Issue, I like it. I also found another British bike mag I really liked while I was there, Practical Sportbikes. Crammed full of the bikes I grew up on. Ordered subscriptions to them both, thanks for the heads up.

  3. Good news about BSH, although I haven't seen the other one you mention. I believe it is an offshoot of Practical Classics, but concentrating on slightly more modern stuff. Should be a good read.

    I say a 1927 Triumph Model N at our pub meet tonight, and that was a stately bike if ever I saw one. Pure function, and it looked exactly right.
