Sunday, September 26, 2010

IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!

I thought this dirty old bike would fight back tooth and nail when we tried to bring her to life. Once J.J. figured the wiring out she came to life like she had only been parked a three or four days, not three or four years. I really can't believe how nice the bike runs too. For a bike with such a bad reputation and that had been neglected like this one had, it's hard to believe that she runs at all. Well I guess this is where all the fun starts. Now I can get to the business of taking her down to her bloomers and addressing all the rust and corrosion. Hey Red, here is the video you requested. Used a little slight of hand, it really didn't start after sitting all that time with one kick. We got her up and running and all warmed up before putting the boot to her. But when J.J. did, she did start with one kick.

Till Next Time.................


  1. Sounds great! Glad to see another one brought back to life!

  2. That sounds quite healthy! Well done lads.

  3. The previous owner said it ran great when he parked it. He wasn't lying,once the carbs were cleaned and wiring figured out, it really fired right up.
