Monday, October 25, 2010


My Nephew picked up a Casio High-Speed Exilim EX-FC100 the other day. We thought what better way to break it in than take it skeet shooting with us. The quality on 1000fps leaves something to be desired, but is acceptable @420 and 360. I guess we can't expect the same quality as they get on Mythbusters, this camera cost about ten thousand less than ones they use. It was fun none the less and made a somewhat interesting video. We put down two cases of birds and Dan pulled this footage from the days festivities. I hammered the target in my turn at the plate, but the bird is pretty far from the camera when it turns to dust and is hard to see. This was Gymi Jr's first time wielding a shotgun. It took him awhile to get his sea legs, but he finally settled down and started breaking targets. Although my Nephew, Son and Brother are cheaters and started all their passes with their guns in the shooting position. I seemed to be the only shooter who started with my gun in the rest position. Not that it mattered, I still put a womping on the younguns. I guess there is no substitute for experience.I love shooting and don't get to do it nearly enough. Besides, I can't just sit around and let Red and Unk have all the fun

Till Next Time.................


  1. I still need a stupid extractor for that rifle. The shipping is more than the cost of the part!

  2. Gosh, look how slow the clay birds are moving. Even I could hit those! ;-)

  3. It kills me how much some charge for shipping.

    I wish the 100 fps setting wasn't so pixelated, pretty neat for eighty bucks though.


    I have not shot birds for a while I was surpised how well I did. It would be nice if they did fly that slow.

  4. BadASS Gymi! Looks like tons of fun. Watched it again and saw you had the gun down when the skeet was flung.

