Saturday, October 16, 2010

Thunderdrome Baby

J.J. and I made our way over to the Thunderdrome races today. There was a pretty fair turnout, some came from as far as North Dakota and North Carolina. Although we did not arrive until 1:30 the racing began around eleven. We witnessed a fair amount of action. The racing was good, they even had LeMans style starts.

I shot these high quality videos of the pit bike races, complete with a climatic tank slapper at the end. I have to tell you, the boys did a great job with this event. It was a hoot, a good time was had by all. Unfortunately, I had to cut out just a bit early and missed the moped main (had to take Mrs. Gymi out to dinner for our anniversary). J.J. texted me that I missed the "best racing ever, ever and ever" I had a feeling that would turn out to be the case. At least I saved myself the hospital stay and memory loss from the resulting frying pan to the forehead for missing our anniversary date.

The camera cut out at the pivotal moment and missed the Yamaha throwing it's rider to the ground. The result of a little to much rear brake as I see it. Anyway, missing the end of the crash will surely result in SPEED not offering me a position as camera man for the 2011 MotoGP season and a whirlwind tour of Europe and Asia, such is life. More to come.

Till Next Tme.........


  1. You would love it Red, it's got me shopping for a clapped out moped. They're planning a few races for next year, so the chance to catch a race is good.

  2. Let me know, I'd love to check it out. I really need to put my Yamaha Chappy back together!

  3. I'll keep you posted. Get that chappy going, this racing looks like more fun than feather bowling.
