I was listening to a little Pink Floyd and it got me to browsing and I came across this interesting piece of artwork by
Storm Thorgerson. Seeing that I really like Pink Floyd and I'm really fond of nekked ladies, what could be better than combining the two. The original album artwork by Storm painted on six lovely backsides to create the Back Catalogue poster. Enjoy all you lovers of fine art.
So many easy jokes and dirty comments...
Yes indeed, but we are above that are we not;)
I'd never make an inappropriate comment, ask my wife she'll agree. =]
Nor I, I am as pure as the driven snow.
The Atom Heart Mother, Relics, Dark Side of the Moon, Wish You Were Here, The Wall, Animals.
No Googling necessary, what do I win?
if you're an American citizen you are entitled to:
a heated kidney shaped pool,
a microwave oven--don't watch the food cook,
a Dyna-Gym--I'll personally demonstrate it in the privacy of your own home,
a kingsize Titanic unsinkable Molly Brown waterbed with polybendum,
a foolproof plan and an airtight alibi,
real simulated Indian jewelry,
a Gucci shoetree,
a year's supply of antibiotics,
a personally autographed picture of Randy Mantooth
and Bob Dylan's new unlisted phone number,
a beautifully restored 3rd Reich swizzle stick,
Rosemary's baby,
a dream date in kneepads with Paul Williams,
a new Matador,
a new mastadon,
a Maverick,
a Mustang,
a Montego,
a Merc Montclair,
a Mark IV,
a meteor,
a Mercedes,
an MG,
or a Malibu,
a Mort Moriarty,
a Maserati,
a Mac truck,
a Mazda,
a new Monza,
or a moped,
a Winnebago--Hell, a herd of Winnebago's we're giving 'em away,
or how about a McCulloch chainsaw,
a Las Vegas wedding,
a Mexican divorce,
a solid gold Kama Sutra coffee pot,
or a baby's arm holding an apple?
So the Floyd I knew. The Tubes reference was a stumper. Nicely played, Sir.
I knew you would pick up on it.
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