Curly has his bobber in roller form and is currently working to fabricate the odds and ends that will separate his bobber from the rest of the pack. Curly and Big Toe have a assload of fabrication experience,so Curly dreams up and fabricates the parts he wants to use. Then BigToe with his big ol' tig setup can meld the pieces together. He also has access to quite a bit of heavy machinery, so he is able to whip up bits and pieces in no time flat. They made the tank mounts out of round stock, machined them to welcome the mounting bolts. Then Curly modified the frame to accept the new tank mounting slugs he whipped up. The result is a very clean setup that looks as if it came from the factory that way.He was not crazy about the seat mounting brackets the were out there, so he picked up a TC Bros. setup and modified it so it does not have half of the bracket sticking out in front of the seat. Curly also fabbed up a pretty trick mounting bracket to hang the front of the seat on. He is currently working on a setup for the seat springs. Curly is pretty much a perfectionist, so he is very methodical in the parts he makes. It may take a bit longer, but in the end he will be the proud owner of one hot machine.
My nephew belongs to a RC plane club The Flying Pilgrims. My thing motorcycles his thing R/C Planes, go figure. I like 'em too, just don't need another pursuit to sink cash and time into. Plus, if I crashed my B-17 that I poured a ton of hours and cash into, I would pull what’s left of my hair out. Besides, you have to admit, it is way more fun to watch someone else destroy their pride and joy. This guy crashed this plane as soon as I got there and set up shop. You gotta feel sorry for him though. The plane was beautiful and he pretty much destroyed it. The right landing gear would not come down and when it finally did, he added too much power, stalled crashed. My Nephew shot these videos. Thank fully this was the only mishap of the day. There was a lot of great pilots flying these beauties. Here are a few shots I got of the show. The helicopter pilots were doing indescribable stunts, you would have to see them to believe them.
This Stuka even had a functioning divebomb siren, just like it's big brother.
The right gear hung up
Things have gone terribly wrong
The unfortunate aftermath
A F-15 with a real jet engine. This thing was so fast, I could barely get pictures of it.
It even has the airbrake behind the cockpit like the real one.
A fifteen year old kid flew this Sukhoi 31 like a pro, he was the best pilot I saw besides the helicopter pilots.
This Loach was pretty damn nice.
These guys were doing things with these copters that had my hair standing up.
Hovering upside down four inches above the runway.
And to top it all off, some guy brought his lawn mower.
If you have a R/C flying club in your area, I highly recommend that you go check them out. I had a blast here today, I have a sneaking suspicion I'll be going back.
To make sure the hard tail fit the main frame square, we reinstalled the motor to make sure the frame tubes were in their proper location. Then Curly whipped up a nice little template to match up with a piece of square tube he tacked to the backbone. This worked out great, and after measuring everything about thirty times, he was ready to tack the hardtail in place. Then after all the measurements and adjustments were made again, he married the front and rear frame sections together in a touching ceremony. I believe I saw a tear roll off my bikes headlight.
For the honeymoon, She becomes a roller and gets a new tank.